Here is a list with some of the bands and artists that have trusted dpFX's products & services and that we would like to TRULLY THANK for supporting us.
The list is in alphabetic order (roughly) and we want to apologize if the it's not 100% complete.

-- 1000mods -- // fb | bc 1000mods logo
-- 2 Headed Dogs --  // fb | bc 2 Headed Dogs logo
-- 45RATS -- // fb | bc 45Rats logo
-- Chronoboros -- // fb | bc Chronoboros logo
-- Concerto Grosso -- // fb | bc concerto grosso logo
-- Cosmic Plunge -- // fb | bc comsic plunge logo
-- CRAANG -- // fb | bc CRAANG logo
-- CRESHNA -- // fb | bc creshna logo
-- Devil Flower Mantis -- // fb | bc Devil Flower Mantis logo
-- Dr. Awkward & The Screws -- // fb | bc Dr. Awkward & The Screws logo
-- Drog A Tek -- // fb | web Drog A Tek logo
-- Felony Case -- // fb | web felony case logo
-- High Tone Son of a Bitch -- // fb | bc High Tone Son of a Bitch logo
-- Instant Boner -- // fb | bc instant boner logo
-- Kalabrian Syndrome -- // fb | bc kalabrian syndrome logo
-- KEMEROV -- // fb | bc kemerov logo
-- Ladybug -- // insta
-- Ledge Fortcher -- // fb | bc  Ledge Fortcher logo
-- LoKa and The Moonshiners -- // fb | bc
-- Lunarmare -- // fb | bc
-- Minorfase -- // fb | bc minorfase logo
-- Movement of Static -- // fb | bc  Movement of Static logo
-- Mock the Mankind -- // fb | bc  mock the mankind logo 
-- Mother Mooch -- // fb | bc
-- Natskygge -- // fb | bc Natskygge logo
-- NAXATRAS -- // fb | bc Naxatras logo
-- Owl Cave Dreams -- // fb | bc Owl Cave Dreams logo
-- Purple Dino -- // fb | bc Purple Dino logo
-- Rendeece -- // fb | bc Rendeece logo
-- Sadhus, The Smoking Community -- // fb | bc Sadhus, the smoking community logo
-- Small Hours Society -- // fb | bc small hours society logo
-- Smokin' Basement -- // fb | bc smokin' basement logo
-- Spine Chilling Breeze -- // fb | bc spine chilling breeze logo
-- The MJTs -- // fb | sc
-- TUBER -- // fb | bc Tuber logo
-- Villagers of Ioannina City -- // fb | bc Villagers of Ioannina City logo
-- Yakhchal -- // fb | bc Yakhchal logo well as other musicians/artists, some of them listed below:
-- Paul Kott --
-- Paul Post --
 -- Lala Remi --